Privacy Policy


"LookApp" is a social network that allows users to capture and share moments through photos in the form of albums over a period of 6 days.

Purpose of the Privacy Policy

This policy aims to protect the personal data of users and ensure compliance with Spanish and European legislation on data protection and intellectual property.

Data Collection

We collect names, email addresses, and ages for account management.


Consent is explicitly obtained when registering in the application.

Image and Album Data

Photos are securely stored and published in the form of albums after 6 days, offering users control over their visibility.

Intellectual Property of Photos

Photos uploaded by users to "LookApp" are the intellectual property of the users who upload them. "LookApp" does not claim copyright over these images but is granted a limited right of use by "LookApp" to operate and promote the application, only when consent is explicitly given by the user.

Use of Images by "LookApp"

"LookApp" may use the images within the context of the application, always respecting the user's copyright.

Respect for Third-Party Intellectual Property

Users must ensure that the photos they upload do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties. Violation of these rights may result in the removal of the images and possible legal actions.

Use of Data

Data is used to manage accounts and improve our services.

Data Sharing

We do not share personal data with third parties without consent, except for legal requirements.

User Rights

Users can access and modify their personal data.

Data Deletion

Users can request the deletion of their data.

Data Security

Measures are implemented to protect personal data.

Notification of Security Breaches

In the event of a data breach, users and competent authorities will be notified.

User Content and Conduct

Norms are established regarding permitted and prohibited content.

Prohibited Content Policy

We detail the types of prohibited content and the consequences of their publication. It is prohibited to upload content that includes violence, animal abuse, sex, nudity, or that infringes copyright.

Reporting and Removal Process of Content

The procedure for reporting and removing inappropriate content is explained.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Changes to the policy will be communicated and will require consent to continue using the app.

Contact and Control Authority

Information is provided for contacting "LookApp."

Control Authority

Information is provided about the data protection control authority in Spain